In Memory

Matthew Kupferman

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09/20/12 03:26 PM #1    

Alan Duke

ubmitted by Marnee Phillips (Foldoe) Edit | Delete
Matt and I took Russian class; it was first offered junior year. One night, Matt drove a few of us to dinner at a Russian restaurant. I think it was in the Valley, but do not remember where. On the way home, he was almost out of gas, and kept putting his car (I think it was white) in neutral, to use less fuel. We made it home safely. I'm so sorry to hear of his passing.
Submitted by Stefan Carmien ( Edit | Delete
Matt was my best friend at BHHS, he, I, and Eric Sulzner spent most of the 11th grade getting high, listening to music and having hilarious and deep conversations (playing poker with tarot cards on acid, anyone?). As Ennui Provo we staged street happenings: handing out dada-esque pamphlets and once moving one of our pot plants to the bushes in the front lawn of BHHS. Moreover there was a strong thread of intellectual and even spiritual exploration during those days. The three of us spent nearly every weekend hanging out. One summer we would steal handfuls of amphetamines from his motherÕs HUGE bottle (for MS) and sneak the family car out and drive for hours high on Dexedrine and hash. We lost touch for a while after I was expelled (remember Mr. Militich?) but were roommates in Berkley when he was a student there. After that I became a Trappist monk in a priory in Qu?bec and lost track of Matt. I have searched the web for him for years Ð so this is a closure of sorts, but a sad one.


12/09/13 07:27 PM #2    

Nada Cox

Matt was an incredibly sweet person and one heck of a lot of fun.  We hung out senior year on & off campus. A real boon for me as i came to BHHS my junior year and am just shy enough that making friends was a challenge.  He & Marnee Phillips & i would sometimes meet up at lunch.  I remember riding the bus with him to Venice Beach back when it was actually empty!  We went to prom together, had a blast there, then ditched it & went clubbing with i don't even know who. From what she wrote in my year book, Rhonda Kap was part of that adventure.  I have sometimes wondered about him & am shocked to learn he died so many years ago. I do hope his delightful soul is enjoying the next life and continuing to bring joy to those around him.  

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